Hello Parents and Kindergarten Friends!
This year we will be blogging about our class, and many of the learning activities we will be engaged in! Since much of Kindergarten learning is "hands-on" this blog will be a window into how we learn!
You will want to check in with us frequently (a few times a week) to see "What's New!" and how you can assist in the learning process. If you miss a post or want to explore a previous post, you will find them listed on the right under Alphabetical Blog List!
This blog will be our way of joining together in the learning process. Watch for photos, videos, slideshows, work samples... etc. It's going to be very exciting!
We are anxious to read your comments along the way, so please feel free to join comment or send an email! jprobert@dsdmail.net
This will also be a place your student can go to reguarly, to re-visit lessons we have learned as they watch the slideshows and videos. Talk with your student about what he/she is learning and along the way.... Enjoy the Journey!
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